I assume rigs like this are only purchased by very successful business people who have a second (or third) vehicle that can do what this truck is unable to do.
That truck can do whatever a car can do and is more comfortable than a vast amount of cars....however driving around a parkade, you do have to be careful not to flatten whatever eco car du jour is parked about.
A short list of what this truck is unable to do compared with a compact car, for example:
1. allow one to travel in congested urban areas (downtown) with a degree of comfort and safety,
2. attain decent fuel mileage
3. provide sight lines immediately around the vehicle
4. allow those who desire or require comfortable ingress/egress to use the vehicle on a consistent basis
5. connect one to the road in a manner that does not isolate
6. allow one to park in small to average sized spaces and maneuver in areas where space is at a premium
7. utilize an average sized garage.