I was talking about their gun laws....as for their immigration laws, do you know the situation that has caused them have these draconian laws??
I don't deny that there's an issue - and the legislatures have since effected some changes to reduce random racial profiling, but it does still put a target on anyone who looks Hispanic. What are 'papers', though? A passport? A driver's licence?
I can start a new poll-thread on this question, but do you always carry ID on you no matter where you go? I drove to Guelph yesterday and totally forgot that I left my wallet in the Corolla (I took the RX). Drove without a licence the whole way, didn't have a credit card for gas, etc. Not ideal, and certainly not something I had planned.
...but imagine if I was Hispanic, driving in Arizona, and got pulled over because of the way I look (even if driving 100% properly), and though I had my driver's licence, I didn't have my 'papers' because I forgot them in the other car, in the house, etc. - it'd be awful.