Now I like them EVEN more...
My brother is a Harley guy...through and through. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING else is a motorcycle. Does Sturgis every year. Even if it's by himself. I asked him at lunch what he thought of the new 2018 HD's, "they're hot!" I says. He HATES the new bikes. Stupid. Just stupid. If I wanted a Kawasucki I'd buy a Kawasucki...and more.
Now I see why my wife thinks I'm yelling at her when I get passionate (opposite?) about something that irks my shorts, when I'm not mad at her, but mad at it. I thought he was going to rip me a new one...huh...facking family and the tree and all that...good thing he's my brother or I would've told him to fack erf.
I've gotta convince the wife I need to mortgage myself a new bike. Man that'd make Christmas dinners soo much worse than they already normally are. Already won't talk to our BIL 'cause the two go at each other like fighting roosters...granted the last time was my BIL's fault. He can be a bit of a wanker, a little too smart for the rest of us. Your opinion is wrong...huh...kinda like Harley Pearl...
Yup...still need a NEW Harley. Wonder if he'd let me ride with him.