Author Topic: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone  (Read 4674 times)


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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2008, 02:55:43 pm »
50kph over in school zone?  Heck in any urban area that's nuts. 

I actually support the street racing law to an extent - I think if you're caught doing 50 over the limit anywhere,  you deserve to have the book thrown at you.  There are no excuses for that.  The only part I don't like is the immediate presumption of guilt.  I would rather just have stiffer penalties for those convicted of such things.  In this case, this woman deserves all that's coming to her and more.  She won't get it, but I think a license suspension for several months to a year would be good for doing that.


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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2008, 04:05:02 pm »
Sounds like from the Star Article, the mom was speeding around Branksome Hall, which is an expensive private school. I would hedge a bet, that she's probably one of those uppity mom's from Leaside, Davisville, Rosedale or another one of those very high income areas. Good for the police catching her. That secion of Mt. Pleasant is notorious for speeding and racing. A few years ago an innocent taxi driver was killed just a bit north of there by two university students racing a BMW and Mercedes.
Elm and Mt Pleasant is exactly at Branksome.

Think of the great story she now has to tell her uppity Leaside, Davisville, Rosedale mom friends! 

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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2008, 04:26:05 pm »
Sounds like you think it is a more heinous offence when committed by a member of the middle class than by Joe Sixpack.... good thing she wasn't driving a M-B or you'd have her doing life by now.   Thats a slippery slope.

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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2008, 07:59:52 pm »
"...Like I said above this is a four lane road, with no driveways for houses and a limited number of roads accessing it in that area.  There would never be any kids playing on that road and any kids crossing it would be at the lights at Elm.  I drive that stretch daily and have never even seen anyone j-walking in that area.  The private school at that intersection also has a covered walkway going over Mt. Pleasant that was built to protect students given the nature of the road in that area.

An additional fact is that after the street racing incident in the area that killed the taxi driver the speed limit for that stretch was dropped from 60 to 50 in a knee jerk reaction to the accident (as if the street racers in question were paying attention to the speed limit  ::)).  Given the type of road the speed limit is too low, and it is an easy picking ground for the police.  If it were still at 60 we would never have heard about this ticket.

No excuse for that speed, but lets not over hype the real danger involved in the incident..."



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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2008, 08:08:32 pm »
Street racing, huh?
So, she was racing the street?
Damn, had no idea you could race an inanimate object?

Or was she "speeding"?


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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2008, 08:16:44 pm »
Maybe people would have fewer problems with this law if they called the offense something other than "Street Racing"? How about charging these people with a new offense.....say,something like "Driving like an Idiot and deserving to lose your license and pay a huge fine"? ;D

There are already acts in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act that she could be charged with; like speeding or careless driving or dangerous driving.
In this instance she ought to have been charged with speeding; nothing more nothing less.
You can't race a inanimate object like a street!


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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2008, 08:20:53 pm »
does racing urself count as street racing?  ???

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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2008, 09:10:58 pm »

There are already acts in the Ontario Highway Traffic Act that she could be charged with; like speeding or careless driving or dangerous driving.
In this instance she ought to have been charged with speeding; nothing more nothing less.
You can't race a inanimate object like a street!

2. To move rapidly or at top speed: We raced home. My heart was racing with fear.

Racing does not necessarily mean a competition.  Street Racing can mean driving fast on a street.
My diesel car self-identifies as an electric vehicle.


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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2008, 10:16:58 pm »
Unfortunately, with the current legislation, once you hit that magic "50 over" point, it falls under the "street racing" section.

Careless and dangerous driving need more mitigating factors to make a case, such as blowing stop signs or red lights or hitting another vehicle.

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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #29 on: September 06, 2008, 12:11:04 am »
Like I said above this is a four lane road, with no driveways for houses and a limited number of roads accessing it in that area.  There would never be any kids playing on that road and any kids crossing it would be at the lights at Elm.  I drive that stretch daily and have never even seen anyone j-walking in that area.  The private school at that intersection also has a covered walkway going over Mt. Pleasant that was built to protect students given the nature of the road in that area.
Southbound on Mt. Pleasant leading up to Elm is a beautiful section of road alright.  Windy, downhill, uphill, and at least one blind intersection!  101 isn't insane, but I feel it's still a bit fast for the road.

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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #30 on: September 06, 2008, 12:31:06 am »
US Spec car? Big Numbers in Speedo is mph?

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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2008, 01:53:12 am »
I feel sorry for this lady and I hope she gets a good lawyer. This stupid law is crazy and the media are a bunch of asses for making this a huge deal... Before you get on my case about it, I have read all the comments here and I understand this was not so crazy as doing that on a two lane road leading nowhere in some suburb, this is a major road in a major city and the damn limit is too low. This is only a speeding offence…

US Spec car? Big Numbers in Speedo is mph?

That's funny... I used to have a car with digital read-out and once after being away for a month in the first couple of kilometers I drove, I noticed that everyone seems to be driving slow… then I looked down and realized that my readout was displaying mph. Then the light went on. My mother had borrowed that car while I was away because she had some work done on hers and I remembered she told me she was glad to get her car back because mine was “too fast”.


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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2008, 12:03:42 am »
I have not heard of any other vehicle involved with this lady driver at all. My view is that it takes at least 2 vehicles to have a race. If not she is just speeding excessively. My truck is a heat score because of the build design and sound but I know better then to ever race or speed in a residential area because its too easily identified. I don't need the aggrevation or fines at all and I do hope the fine she gets hurts a lot.  :)


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Re: Mom Street Racing her Volvo in School Zone
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2008, 10:27:51 am »
Stupid law... stupider woman.