Two questions:
1) Anyone know where to find VW 2007 RABBIT accessories on the web? Got the new issue of VW Driver magazine and I saw this great trcuk tray that sits just under the cover in the hatch and I would love to pick one up but can't find anything on the web.
2) Anyone have a sugggestion as to how I can eliminate the wind shuttering which hurts my ears when the sunroof is fully open but none of the windows are down? In my 4 door Jetta I didn't have to roll the windows down but now in the Rabbit with the hatch back there is major air pockets. I have really long hair and it is a pain to roll the windows down a bit cause then my hair blows around in my face and eyes.
3) O.k. one more.....Anyone know a really good dealer in the Toronto area that I can go to, to get my car serviced and warrenty work done on?? I live in the East-end of Toronto. I work in the West end of Toronto so either way for me is fine but the original dealer I brought the car from is 2 hours away from the city.
My experience with taking my car in even to get warrenty work done on it, is that I end up getting screwed over by the dealer some how. It's like they don't want to work on your car unless you brought it from them or are paying them for the work their doing even though it is supposed to be under warrenty.
To give you the list of dealers I have tried and really dislike are;
Don Valley VW
Yorkdale VW
Queensway VW - they are the worst!! I've tried going there with 3 of my VW's and they have either charged way to much or screwed up the car royally!
Oakville VW - see my May posting for that horror story.
Any other suggestions??? If you can recommend a service person as well that would be great. I like service people that just don't take your keys and Visa and don't want to deal with you anymore. I like service guys/gals that like to hear your problem(s) and also discuss them with you...good communication skills basically.
Any ideas would be very much appreciated!!