Author Topic: Help Stop Bill C 51  (Read 2010 times)

Offline rrocket

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Help Stop Bill C 51
« on: May 08, 2008, 05:42:40 pm »
I'm a HUGE believer and natural health products and supplements.  They have given me pain relief when prescription drugs have not.  Recently, the Canadian Government has sought to make 70% of these illegal.  What's even more distressing, is the unprecedented powers it would give inspectors to enforce this law, such as entering your own with no warrant, dispose of your property, seize your assets, seize your bank accounts.  This is not narcotic or dangerous drugs we're talking about here, people.  These are neutraceuticals...natural remedies.  If you care about your rights, please contact your MP.

On April 8th, 2008, the Canadian Minister of Health introduced Bill C-51 into the House of Commons. This Bill proposes significant changes to the current Food and Drugs Act that will have wide-ranging negative implications for Canadians. Already in it’s second reading, Bill C-51 will:

    * Allow the government to adopt laws from other countries: without the approval of elected officials, without debate in the House of Commons, without the consent of the Canadian people.
    * Remove more than 70% of Natural Health Products from Canadians and many others will be available by prescription only.
    * Restrict research and development of safe natural alternatives in favor of high risk drugs.
    * Punish Canadians with little or no opportunity for protection or recourse for simply speaking about or giving a natural product without the approval of government.

More than 70% of people in Canada use  Natural Health Products. The new law goes so far as to warrant action against a person who would give another person an unapproved amount of garlic on the recommendation that it would improve that persons health.


To enforce this new law, inspectors will be allowed to:-51 able to:

    * Enter private property without a warrant
    * Take your property at their discretion
    * Dispose of your property at will
    * Not reimburse you for your losses
    * Seize your bank accounts without a warrant
    * Charge owners shipping and storage charges for seized property
    * Store your property indefinitely
    * Levy fines of up to $5,000,000.00 and/or seek 2 years in jail per charge

With your assets and money under their control will you be able to defend yourself in Court?

Would our government really ever turn this law against us?? Read the following account.

In 2003 Health Canada launched an attack on a group of mentally ill patients and the company who supported them naturally. They seized shipments of a safe natural therapy required by the patients and stormed the support center with 17 armed officers and agents. The company (Truehope) reported that they lost contact with more than 300 of their Canadian participants. The Canadian Mental Health Association told of suicides as a result of government action.  Health Canada then charged the not for profit company, burdening them with heavy legal costs. Health Canada lost this case. Although the agents admitted knowing they were injuring people through their actions, they continued to enforce policy at the cost of life. And what happened to the more than 300 mentally ill Canadians that became unreachable? In the months and years following, reports of hospitalizations and suicides during the seizures have surfaced. No Health Canada agent has ever been charged.


    * Why would bureaucrats need to bypass the Parliament and Senates approval to create new laws?
    * Why would bureaucrats need seizure warrants without judge approval ?
    * With fines being increased a 1000 times, and seizing authority granted without a warrant, is Bill C-51 meant to bankrupt and silence its target audience?
    * Will this new law be used to abuse and punish special interest groups, minorities, religious groups or others?


Here's what you can do to protect your rights:

Educate Yourself

    * Go to
    * Read a legal discussion on (really really good)
    * Read bill C-51 on
    * Write three letters, make three phone calls to;


1)   PM Steven Harper,  House of Commons, Ottawa,    613 992 4211

2)   Tony Clement,  Minister of Health,  House of Commons, Ottawa,  613 944 7740

3)   Your MP (just Google “ find MP “ to find yours by postal code)

      ( no postage is required on the letters to Ottawa  - handwritten means you’re serious)


    * Talk to your local Press
    * Ask the leaders in your community to get involved
    * Contact your MLA  (just Google “find MLA”…)
    * Tell your Friends
How fast is my 911?  Supras sh*t on on me all the reverse..with blown turbos  :( ...


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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 10:40:16 pm »
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.  I'm going to check your links and see if i can make sense of them.


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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2008, 10:56:38 pm »
Thanks for this. I will write again.

The bigger concern is the current government's draconian way of shoving bills/laws without debate in the parliament on certain issues of their liking.

Access to Information is completely gone now etc.

Offline rrocket

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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2008, 11:00:04 pm »
If they want to regulate supplements, I'm fine with it. 

But busting in your house with no warrant?  Seizing your assets?  Because you might have a bottle of Aloe in the house?


Offline ArticSteve

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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2008, 11:58:14 pm »
Do we know what supplements are to be banned?

Offline rrocket

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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2008, 12:08:28 am »
Up to 70% of what's on the market.  Big Pharma is pissed more people are going the natural route.  This is all about money.  Period.

More frightening is the unprecedented powers of seizure and infringement of your rights if this were to pass.

Offline ArticSteve

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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2008, 12:12:44 am »
But specifically.  Where is a list of the actual supplements? 

Offline rrocket

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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2008, 12:25:26 am »
No list.  They want ALL supplements to have to go through the same expensive, long, clinical trials as "regular" drugs.  So if you want to take "ginger" caplets to ease your upset has to be proved that ginger actually does what people have known it does for centuries. So a 3-5 year clinical trial.  So what was one a $5.99 supplement will become to expensive to even consider.

What they want to do is price therapeutics out of the market....Big Pharma is not happy people are buying their stuff less and less...

But another bad part about this is the power to make up laws without going through the ways we've always created laws..through Parliament and the Senate.

Offline ArticSteve

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Re: Help Stop Bill C 51
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2008, 01:27:22 am »
OK.  I read a bit more about it and yes, it sounds absolutely fascist.  I rely on two supplements mainly.  One is Wobenzym which is a huge seller in Germany and approved by their "Commission E".  It's owned by Mucos Pharma.  That will probably pass under the new bill.

The other, the most important to me, is a profibrinolytic enzyme engineered in Japan.  I know for a fact that 6 major drug companies are now in their final trials in producing this same thing but in a synthetic form.  This is the one I'm personally worried about because these drug companies want this supplement gone.  Here it's called Nattokinase.   

Bill c-51 is a building block of SPP, and more importantly a byproduct of Codex - a UN organization intent on establishing international standards on food (largely in the Third World), food labeling, herbs, botanicals, vitamins and mineral supplements. Codex helps to standardize the global market.

 In 1996, the Codex vitamin supplement directive proposed that:
No supplements or herbs could be sold for preventative or therapeutic purposes

Natural remedies may not exceed potency levels set by the committee. For vitamins, this would have been one to three times the RDA

No new supplements are allowed unless they pass through the Codex approval process

Herbs could not be sold unless registered and approved.

Many of these proposals were sponsored by the large drug companies.


Sounds scary... While it is true that some little competitors will be squashed out if c-51 legislation were to pass, it should be noted that Big pharmaceutical companies already control 70 per cent of the vitamin/mineral supplement market.

In Europe, the Health Freedom Movement has developed in response to Codex and it's standards. More information can be found at:

Natural medicine: drugged to death
Hard on the heels of its ‘success’ in bulldozing through a directive severely curtailing vitamin supplements, the European Commission is busy in its self-appointed task of dismantling natural medicine, bit by stealthy bit.

The latest manoeuvre is to amend the Pharmaceutical Directive to give regulatory agencies like the Medicines Control Agency in the UK sweeping powers to, in effect, classify any healthcare product it chooses as a ‘drug’.

The new amendments seek to redefine ‘medicine’. The current Pharmaceutical Directive defines a drug by the manner in which it is administered - that is, by a doctor or pharmacist who claims it will help you get better.

The new amendments would shift the definition of a drug from the way it is administered to the actions of its ingredients. The revised act would classify any substance that can be shown to restore, correct or modify your body physiologically in any way as a drug.

This absurdly elastic definition em-braces all alternative products - from flower essences and aromatherapy to powdered energy drinks, herbal cough drops and natural insect repellent. As such, they will be subject to exhaustive licensing procedures costing upward of a million pounds. Any product whose manufacturer couldn’t afford to license (probably half of all products you now enjoy) would disappear.

Under this all-embracing definition, an apple a day to keep the doctor away would be illegal - unless apple growers managed to get a drug licence. Cranberry juice for cystitis, vinegar for beestings, prunes for constipation, even Lucozade would all be against the law.

The most insidious aspect of the proposed amendments is the supremacy they give the Pharmaceutical Directive over every other law, including the new Vitamins and Traditional Herbal Directives. Herbs and vitamin supplements would still fall under its jurisdiction and automatically be classed as drugs, subject to licensing, regulation and potential ban.
These directives are all smudged with the fingerprints of the pharmaceutical giants. Buried in the Vitamins Directive is a clause prohibiting any company from saying that it is difficult, if not impossible, in these days of intensive farming and depleted soil to get your full complement of vital nutrients from an ordinary diet.