Author Topic: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic  (Read 16219 times)


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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2008, 10:00:22 pm »
My oh my I guess I struck a nerve. The ignore button is for people like you to use  when your dillusional world falls down around you. The s2000 is okay if you like a torqueless wonder. Its a shame a Cobalt SS will kick it in the caboose and then drive around front and kick it in the balls. :rofl2:

Are you drunk?  Cobalt SS competes with the Civic Si.  Solstice GXP competes with the S2000.  For a GM fan, you don't even seem to know their lineup.

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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2008, 10:50:07 pm »
^^^^Comparing a FI engine with an NA engine is just plain stupid, IMO....
Well, it certainly does continue a nice trend in his posts.

He sure loves GM. I think its Barrie son. :)

His wife drive a Chrysler product ... kinda ironic ...  with a self claim name title like that, and hs own wife really shows him what she thinks of the car maker he likes. She knows better, and shows who wears the pants in the family.

Do you tell your wife or boyfriend what to buy??? ;D

I buy the vehicles for my wife.

As for you, do you have your wife's permission to be on the internet?  :-* :-*


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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #62 on: July 20, 2008, 11:04:47 pm »
My oh my I guess I struck a nerve. The ignore button is for people like you to use  when your dillusional world falls down around you. The s2000 is okay if you like a torqueless wonder. Its a shame a Cobalt SS will kick it in the caboose and then drive around front and kick it in the balls. :rofl2:

Are you drunk?  Cobalt SS competes with the Civic Si.  Solstice GXP competes with the S2000.  For a GM fan, you don't even seem to know their lineup.

Its amazing what being dropped on the head as a kid can do.. lol.


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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #63 on: July 20, 2008, 11:34:06 pm »
You are either a Bare-faced liar or just rying to prove your point with BS as well. Which is it you are saying?   :)
Well, Barrie, that was pretty offensive and I now know your true colors.  I will be on guard and wary of you from now on.  I was always curious why a lot of people here were so hard on you and so abusive to you.  I now understand.  You will not catch me off guard again.  I gave you the benefit of the doubt.  Never again.  You have just made yourself a very strong enemy today, but I guess you're well used to being hated.  That seems to be the norm for you here.  You have just convinced me to jump on the bandwagon.  Congratulations on having converted me.
You wanna know my GM history? .............................
'52 Chev.  Bought it as a beater.  Spent more on oil than I did on gas.  Glad to finally be rid of it.
'55 Chev.  Inherited from my dad.  Rusted all to crap, leaked oil like a sieve.  Eventually gave it away to a poor cousin who couldn't afford anything else.  He couldn't afford to keep it running either.  I felt sorry for him till he finally hauled it to the scrap yard.
'67 Chevelle.  Cooling system needed constant attention.  Transmission worked -- just.  I managed to sell it and hoped I would never hear from the guy, hoping that he didn't want his money back.
'70 GTO.  Worst valvetrain ever.  Kept bending pushrods.  Started to use oil like crazy.  In desparation, sold it for next to nothing to a used car lot.
'87 Fiero.  Tranny casing cracked.  Took 5 visits to the dealer before they'd actualy replaced the tranny.  Got rid of that one after it was fixed, before the next big thing showed up broken.
'88 Vette.  First 6 months - engine coolant leak, tranny fluid leak, power steering fluid leak, engine oil leaks, headlight stopped working.  In the shop every other month.  Got rid of it to get the ZR-1, thinking that surely the "King of the Hill" would be the real "best Vette yet".  Was I wrong.
'90 Vette ZR-1.  Power steering fluid leaks (multiple fixes), stalled repeatedly during hot weather, bad ECU programming.  GM had a fix but it was experimental and wouldn't give me a new chip.  In the shop every other month.
'97 Cavalier.  Burned oil.  Horrible ticking in the engine that the dealer couldn't figure out and fix (or wouldn't fix).  Ran very poorly before it was given away, again, to someone who couldn't afford anything else.  Granted, it ran for a while after, ticking and smoking down the road.

I was young and stupid when I bought most of those cars.  Then I bought into the magazine hype about the "Best Vette yet" and the "King of the Hill".  Stupid people and their money are quickly parted.  The last one was when I needed a beater and man, was it ever a "BEATER".  GM will NEVER pull that :censor: on me again.  By the looks of GM's latest troubles, it painfully obvious that the buying public has no confidence in the product either, regardless of the media hype.  Money talks and GM just isn't making enough.  Make any excuse you like to blow sunshine up your asses.  You think you make great cars?  How wonderful for you.  Too bad the buying public isn't backing up your belief.  So come on, tell me how rosey GM's outlook is.
As a side note, I wonder if anyone here knows exactly who you and the demigod work for.  Who your bosses are.  Would it be GM?  I wonder if they realize what a terrible PR job you guys are doing for GM by your behavior here.  You certainly do present a lousy representation of how you treat the buying public.  Your bosses might just cringe if they knew how abusive you are to those who read your stuff and see your behavior and how this might affect their buying decisions.  Is this how they would like to see their employees behave?  If anyone does know, maybe a quick message to the higher ups might be in order?  If you guys don't work for GM, then you are simply fanatics and fanatics are usually without a sense of reason or logical discourse.

PS.  You are either a BARE-ASSED fanatic and a lunatic or you are trying to prove your point with overwhelming BS.  Which is it YOU are saying?  ;)

Oh, and OZ, if that was directed at me ....................... FU  If it wasn't, disregard.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 11:36:32 pm by xviper »

Offline rrocket

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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #64 on: July 20, 2008, 11:40:52 pm »
GMGOD is not a relative of mine but where did he say anything calling it a FI engine or a Fuel Injected vehicle either. Rrocket you did that so maybe you should actually read what you print . You are always the 1st one to call folks rude things on here but are feeding so much crap yourslef about the GM products when you have virtually No experience with them. 

NO..I'm right here.  He said Cobalt SS.  That's a turbo engine (and the older one is supercharged). A turbo engine (like a supercharged engine) is FORCED INDUCTION.
How fast is my 911?  Supras sh*t on on me all the reverse..with blown turbos  :( ...


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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #65 on: July 21, 2008, 06:03:57 pm »
You are either a Bare-faced liar or just rying to prove your point with BS as well. Which is it you are saying?   :)
Oh, and OZ, if that was directed at me ....................... FU  If it wasn't, disregard.

Easy there.. You didnt see GM demi-godess quoted in there?


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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #66 on: July 21, 2008, 06:07:43 pm »
Easy there.. You didnt see GM demi-godess quoted in there?
Like I said, please disregard.  I'm on the defensive now.  Once bitten .....................


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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #67 on: July 21, 2008, 06:14:32 pm »
Easy there.. You didnt see GM demi-godess quoted in there?
Like I said, please disregard.  I'm on the defensive now.  Once bitten .....................

Bygones be bygones. :)


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Re: New i-VTEC engine for 2006 Civic
« Reply #68 on: July 21, 2008, 06:16:57 pm »
Easy there.. You didnt see GM demi-godess quoted in there?
Like I said, please disregard.  I'm on the defensive now.  Once bitten .....................

Bygones be bygones. :)
I'm willing since you are.   :cheers: