Originally published March 29, 2016 on autoTRADER.ca

It’s something I had wanted to do since I was a kid, but I never thought I would get the chance. To attend a Major Auto Show. On media day. As media. A dream since I picked up my first issue of Car and Driver, way back in 1996 (Viper GTS vs. Yamaha YZF1000R). Well this year at the 2016 New York International Auto Show, I was finally given the chance to go. To photograph, to write, to run, to get sore feet, to exhaust myself, to visit the Big Apple. So what’s it like going to your first auto show? Stressful and amazing.

It started with short notice. About a week before the show, Senior Editor Jonathan Yarkony sent me an email that made my heart skip a beat: “Would you be able to get a couple days off work to cover the NYC Auto Show?” You better believe I can, and if I can’t I’ll be looking for a new job when I get back.

Fortunately it didn’t come to that. I spent the next week eagerly waiting for flight info (got it three days before leaving) and hotel bookings (didn’t get those until I was already in the air). If you’re an obsessive planner like me this isn’t ideal, but the wait was worth it. Like I said, I wasn’t sure how these things worked. I wasn’t sure if there was a dress code, what I was supposed to do, anything. The advice I got for dress code was “dress well”. Dress well like a polo, or dress well like a suit? No reply. Well, I better do some ironing.

Tuesday morning, I waited in the hotel lobby for my drive to the reveal of the 2017 Buick Encore. I was with three other Canadian journalists, but I was the only one who looked nervous. Once there, I quickly grabbed a seat at the front. That turned out to be pointless, but I had a great view until about 50 photographers barged in front of me. There was a light lunch before the reveal, where I had some of the best hummus I’ve ever tasted. Not sure if it was really that good, or if it was the excitement of the event. After the cover came off it was an hour of scrambling for photos with everyone else, while trying to stay out of frame of the news interviews and video guys. It was hectic, high energy, and a lot of fun. It was also done by 2 pm. That was nice, because I had never been to New York, and there’s not a lot of time to sight see on a 41-hour working trip. Fortunately I got to see one of NYC’s finest tourist hot spots.

Best in Show: 2016 New York International Auto Show Highlights

Wednesday morning. Showtime. I’ve got my luggage with me, since I’m heading to the airport at 1 pm. This is great fun when there are 200 other people trying to get in, and the show has airport-style security. Sorry to everybody behind me in line.

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